quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

keep it real

Who says that my dreams I can't make real?
I can, you can, we can all have everything we want just ourselves believe that we can, and do not need that others believe in us. Everyone will always doubt you, but when you get there they'll learn that could be accredited instead of laugh of his plans fools. And there you'll learn and teach that dreams are and always will be important. And those people who doubt now because they don't have to believe in and not have time to dream of something that will happen. Believe me, all dreams take place whether they are small or things that the eyes of others is impossible, but for you is the easiest thing in the world. Learn to fight for them, to believe are real, all are. Now you can look forward and see everything away. Later you'll look back and see what was really far from the time they were only dreams, because they'll now be reality.

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